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4-6 Meet the Teacher

Classroom Procedures and Expectations

Mrs. King, 4th Grade Math & Science Mrs. Smith, 4th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Mrs. Takacs, 5th Grade Math & Science
Mr. Antio, 5th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Ms. Winczner, 6th Grade Math & Science
Ms. Brazell, 6th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies

Team Teaching

•   This year 4th-6th grade teachers will be team teaching.
•   Each grade has one math/science teacher, and one ELA/social studies teacher.
•   The students will not change classrooms.
•   The teachers will change classrooms.

Arrival Procedures

•   School doors open at 7:35.
➢  Parents are asked not to escort their children to their classrooms.
•   Breakfast is served at 7:35-7:50 in the cafeteria. Students bring their breakfast to their classroom to eat.
➢  Breakfast will end promptly at 7:50. After 7:50, students will not be permitted to eat breakfast.
➢  Students not purchasing breakfast through the school are still permitted to bring in their breakfast.
•   School day begins at 7:50.
➢  Students arriving to their classroom after 7:50 will be marked tardy.
•   Classrooms will no longer have a snack time.

Dismissal Procedures

•   School day ends at 3:15.
•   Teachers escort students to their designated exit.
➢  4th-6th graders will exit through the Snack Shack doors.
➢  Students picking up younger siblings will exit the building and reenter the building through the K-3 hallway.
➢  Students that are not picked up by 3:45 will be escorted to emergency latchkey.

Parking Lot

•   Please follow the parking lot instructions for drop off and pick up times.
•   Please do not park in front of the building in the driving lanes.
•   Please follow directives of crossing guards.

Absences and Tardies

•   Regular attendance and punctuality are very important!
➢  5 tardies=1 absence
➢  5 early dismissals=1 absence
•   If a student misses multiple days in a row, they will be given as many days as they missed to make up the work.
•   If a student misses a test or quiz, they have 3 days to make it up during school hours. This should be scheduled with the teacher.
•   Please communicate with your child’s teacher and the main office about planned and unplanned absences as early as possible.
➢  This helps prevent missing work from accumulating and students from falling behind.


General 'Attire' for Girls
•   Skirts/Jumpers/Skorts: black, navy, or khaki (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. No shorter than two inches above the knee.
•   Pants/Capris: black, navy, or khaki (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. To meet dress code requirements, pants may NOT be yoga/ spandex material.
•   Shorts: black, navy, or khaki (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. No shorter than two inches above the knee.
•   Cardigan Sweater: black, burgundy, navy, and grey. Solid colors only, Trillium logo polo must be worn underneath.
•   Tights: Solid colors only. Must be worn underneath skirts/jumpers.
•   Long Sleeve Shirts: may be worn underneath short sleeve uniform shirt and must be a solid color of grey, black, burgundy, or navy.
•   Shoes: Any color of tennis shoe or dress shoes are permitted. Spike or plat-formed heeled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, slides, or open-toe shoes/open-back shoes are not permitted.


General 'Attire' for Boys
•   Pants/Capris: black, navy, or khaki (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. To meet dress code requirements, pants may NOT be yoga/ spandex material.
•   Shorts: black, navy, or khaki (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. No shorter than two inches above the knee.
•   Cardigan Sweater: black, burgundy, navy, and grey. Solid colors only, Trillium logo polo must be worn underneath.
•   Long Sleeve Shirts: may be worn underneath short sleeve uniform shirt and must be a solid color of grey, black, burgundy, or navy.
•   Shoes: Any color of tennis shoe or dress shoes are permitted. Spike or plat-formed heeled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, slides, or open-toe shoes/open-back shoes are not permitted.

Parent/Teacher Communication

•   The planner is an important communication and organizational tool.
➢  Students must record assignments and important reminders every day.
➢  Teachers use planners to communicate with parents.
➢  Each night, an adult must read and sign the planner.

Parent/Teacher Communication

•   Emergency Contact Forms
➢  Always keep these up-to-date in the office
•   Phone Calls
•   Parent Contact Form (PCF) and other documentation
•   If you have attempted to contact your child’s teacher and have not heard back within 1-2 school days, it is likely he/she did not get the message.
➢  Emails sometimes end up in spam.
➢  You may need to contact the main office or use another mode of communication.

Classroom Policies

•   4th-6th grade students will receive letter grades.
•   Policies not stated in the handbook are determined by your child’s teacher.
•   If you have further questions, refer to your child’s teacher or the student handbook.

Volunteer Opportunities

•   Parent-Educator Organization (PEO)
•   Field Trips
➢  4th Grade: TBD
➢  5th & 6th Grade-Mystic Lake Camp
•   Classroom Events/Celebrations
➢  Guest speakers and readers
➢  Holiday and cultural celebrations
•   See your child’s teacher for further volunteer opportunities within the classroom.

5th & 6th Grade Camp

•   Takes place June 1st-3rd. at Camp Mystic Lake
•   Student eligibility is based on exhibiting proper school behavior.
•   Students participate in many activities, including a rock climbing wall, a giant swing, archery, fishing, hiking, square dancing, and outdoor games that support science standards and character education.

Title 1

•   Federally Funded Program
•   Funds used to purchase materials and hire personnel to enhance intervention in math, reading, science, and social studies.
•   Provides intervention services for at-risk students
•   Funding is determined by the number of families who qualify for free and reduced lunch
•   Purpose is to close the achievement gap of our students

Title 1 Support and Services

•   Trillium is School-wide Title One
•   Provide academic, social, and emotional intervention
•   Program Components:
➢  Level 1: Classroom Intervention (Individualized Student Plans, Differentiated Instruction)
➢  Level 2: RTI Push-In and Pull-Out program (working with at-risk/struggling students based on assessments in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies)
➢  Level 3: Intensive RTI support, one on one programs, Neuro-reading, individualized therapy

Title 1 Components

•   Activities/Events – After school clubs, tutoring, summer program, Family Nights, Community Partnerships
•   Parent Involvement – PEO, Parent Support Group, Conferences, Parent Compact, Parent Involvement Policy, Surveys, Newsletters, Power School, Assessment Reports, Science Fair, College Readiness, March is Reading Month, etc…
•   Educational Program – Teach Like a Champion, Daily 5, OnPoint Literacy, Step Up to Writing, 6+1 Traits of Writing, Singapore Math, Differentiated Instruction, Technology, Common Core, School Improvement Plan, Highly Qualified Staff
•   Data Driven – Professional Learning Communities, Data Meetings, Individualized Student Plans, Assessment Learning Objectives (M-STEP, Performance Series, Explore, Plan, ACT, MME, Monthly Benchmark Tests)

Thank you!

•   Thank you for attending Open House!
•   We look forward to an amazing year!