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Agenda 09-27-2017


Mission Statement
Cultivating college and career focused learners by embracing academic excellence, strong character values, disciplined artistry, and individual student passions.


Regular Meeting – September 27, 2017

Trillium Academy
Conference Room 109
15740 Racho
Taylor, MI 48180

Call to Order By: At:

Roll Call R. Bovitz S. Schwartz
G. Handel L. Green
T. Walker S. Wisinski
H. Gardner

Affirmation Trillium Board of Directors reaffirms the mission
of Mission statement.

Approval of Agenda The Board will either approve the agenda as presented or amend the agenda with the Approval of the Board.

Student Presentation Volleyball
Call to the Public The meeting is a meeting of the Board of Directors in public for the purpose of conducting the Academy’s business and is not considered a public community meeting. Those that may wish to address the Board on agenda items only may do so at this time by being recognized by the chair. There will be a second Call to the Public near the end of the agenda where interested parties may address the Board on any items of their choice. Those that request to address the Board have a maximum of three minutes in which to speak.

Consent Item I. Approval of the minutes from the August 30, 2017.
(Attachment 1)

Treasurer’s Report Approval of the Board Treasurer’s Report August 2017.
(Attachment 2)

Educational ESP Report
Service Provider’s S. Paddock; Interim Superintendent.

Discussion Items Third grade reading requirements.

Action Items

CMU Representative Report (No Attachment)

Call to the Public Interested parties may address the Board on any items of their choice. Those that request to address the Board have a maximum of three minutes in which to speak.

Announcements The next Regular Board of Director’s meeting will be held on October 25, 2017 at 8:00am. in Conference Room 109.

Adjournment Motion By:
Seconded By:

Signed: __________________________
Signed by Steve Paddock (TRG) interim designee for Angela Romanowski, Superintendent

The above minutes were duly adopted by Trillium Academy Board of Directors
at a properly noticed open meeting at which a quorum was present.

Approved: ___________________________
Approved by Lisa Green, Board Secretary
These meetings of the Board of Directors are in public for the purpose of conducting the school’s business and are not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during each meeting as indicated in the agenda.

Upon request to the academy office, the academy shall make reasonable accommodations for a person with a disability to be able to participate in this meeting.